Historic blog. No longer active. See Also http://horizontal-logic.blogspot.com for more Powershell code. AS of 2/27/2014 all Scripts are PS 4.0.
Monday, April 15, 2013
Graphing Event Logs: Muxing Powershell and R Programming
# Powershell 3.0 using .NET access to event logs
function WinEvent($EventLogName,$EL_Limit){
mkdir -ea 0 C:\RProgramming
sl -ea 0 C:\RProgramming
$computername=(gwmi -class Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration | % {if ($_.IPAddress -ne $null) {$input}}).PSComputerName
$b | export-csv -NoTypeInformation C:\RProgramming\EventLogs.csv
$N=((($b.Log) | sls $EventLogName).LineNumber)[0] - 1
$EventLog=$b[$N].get_Entries()[0..($b[$N].entries.count -1)]
if ($EL_Limit -eq "max") {$EL_Limit = $b[$N].entries.count -1}
$EL_fields=$Eventlog[0..$EL_Limit] | Select EventID,Index,CategoryNumber,EntryType,Source,InstanceID,TimeGenerated,TimeWritten,UserName
$EL_fields | export-csv -NoTypeInformation EventLogFile.csv
$EL_fields | group -noelement -property EventID |
Select @{Name="EventID"; Expression ={[INT]$_.Name}}, Count | sort EventID | ft -auto
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