Sunday, August 18, 2013

Nping and Powershell

[This example is code from a book I am writing to be titled "Powershell: Logic, Syntax, and Semantics".   All rights for the code below are reserved.]

I am working with how other security software works with Powershell.  This is nping 0.6.40:

sl "C:\Program Files (x86)\Nmap"
[ARRAY]$Array=foreach ($i in $e) {
$a = nping -q -H -c 10 --tcp -p 443 $i;
[ARRAY]$b = ($a[2] -replace(" ","`r`n") | findstr 'ms') -replace("ms","");
New-object  PSObject -Property @{
HOST = $i
MAX = [FLOAT]$b[0];
MIN  = [FLOAT]$b[1];
AVG  = [FLOAT]$b[2];
$Array | Select HOST,MAX,MIN,AVG | sort AVG | ft -auto

HOST                   MAX MIN     AVG
----                   --- ---     ---           272 156 204.452 418 168 241.996     444 170 249.843