Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Less Thrashing; Better Queries (Part V)

# Updated: 7:01 AM 1/19/2014  -RMF

# Using [System.Diagnostics.EventLog] for Powershell 3.0 Beta
# Code
# Clearing variable types 
rv -ea 0 i;
rv -ea 0 var
$var=@("a","b","c","d","e"); foreach ($i in $var) {rv -ea 0 $i}
 #Creating $a specific to the 'GetEventLogs()' 
 # method for [System.Diagnostics.EventLog]
 $a | gm -s
 # List the event logs

 # Creating $a as generic to the .NET class; Querying active
 # Eventlog for a local(or remote?)computer name:
 $a::GetEventLogs("rmfvpc") | gm -s

 # Creating $B as the result of mahine specific
 #'GetEventLogs()' query
 $b | gm -s
 $b | gm -f

 # Using $B to get a specific method for a specific log (e.g. 
 # Array[10]) for specific configuration method (e.g. 
 # 'get_OverflowAction()')

 # Choose the Security Log
 $C = $B | Where Log -eq Security

 # This retrieves all Entries before returning the first index.
 $c[0].get_Entries()[0] | gm -f

 #Returns select entries and then select EventIDs for such.

 # Number of Events Logs; Number of total events for a 
 # specific Event Log.

 # Returns First and Last Events
 $lc = $($c[0].Entries.count - 1) 
 $c[0].get_Entries()[0,$($c[0].Entries.count - $lc)]

 # Creates a DateTime variable;Returns number of days 
 # between first and last events
 $TG  | gm -s

 # Returns select sorted information last 1000 entries
 $d=($c[0].get_Entries())[0..999]| Select EventID,Message
 $d[0..9] | ft -auto -wrap
 $d | group -property EventID -noelement | sort -desc -property Count
 $e= ($d | group -property Message -noelement | sort -desc -property Count)
 $e[0..9] | ft -auto -wrap

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Less Thrashing; Better Queries (Part IV)

I will just keep running with this series until I get sick of [System.Diagnostics.Eventing...].

The code below  compares an exported list of  "Security Audit Events for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2" with a grouped list of the last 10K events from the Security Log. This is a quick way to look at all your security events ordered by count and an appended "Message Summary".

# Working 3:57 PM 9/8/2012
# PS 3.0 Beta

$Security= get-winevent -ea 0  -LogName Security -MaxEvents 10000
$a=$Security | group -property ID -noelement | sort -desc -property count
[array[]]$b=import-csv .\Windows7.csv
[array[]]$c=0..((($B."Event ID").count) - 1) | % -process {
 foreach ($ID in $a.name) {if ($ID -eq $B[$PSItem]."Event ID") `
  {write "$($B[$PSItem]."Event ID") : $($B[$PSItem]."Message Summary")"}}}

PS C:\ps1> $Security=get-winevent -max 10000 Security
PS C:\ps1> $a=$Security | group -property ID -noelement | sort -desc -property count
PS C:\ps1> [array[]]$b=import-csv .\Windows7.csv
PS C:\ps1> [array[]]$c=0..((($B."Event ID").count) - 1) | % -process {
>> foreach ($ID in $a.name) {if ($ID -eq $B[$PSItem]."Event ID") `
>> {write "$($B[$PSItem]."Event ID") : $($B[$PSItem]."Message Summary")"}}}
>> $a
>> $c

Count Name
----- ----
 7683 5156
 2125 5158
  121 4688
   45 5157
    8 4624
    7 4672
    3 5154
    2 4776
    2 4634
    1 4801
    1 4800
    1 4625
    1 4648
4624 : An account was successfully logged on.
4625 : An account failed to log on.
4634 : An account was logged off.
4648 : A logon was attempted using explicit credentials.
4672 : Special privileges assigned to new logon.
4688 : A new process has been created.
4776 : The domain controller attempted to validate the credentials for an account.
4800 : The workstation was locked.
4801 : The workstation was unlocked.
5154 : The Windows Filtering Platform has permitted an application or service to listen on a port for incoming connections.
5156 : The Windows Filtering Platform has allowed a connection.
5157 : The Windows Filtering Platform has blocked a connection.
5158 : The Windows Filtering Platform has permitted a bind to a local port.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Less Thrashing; More Sorting Queries (Part IIl)

The cruft below demonstrates (somewhat) how to effectively interrogate  70k events from Windows  with PS 3.0. It presumes you are using 'auditpol' to your advantage. When querying that many events, I keep a check on memory in the title bar with this function:

function Global:set-titleMemoryStats {

# With 3.0 Runspace


function Global:Set-title {
$MemStats=ps -id $PSID | Select `
@{Name='ThreadCount';Expression={($_.Threads).count}}, `
@{Name='WorkSetMB';Expression={[int](($_.WorkingSet64)/1MB)}}, `
@{Name='VirMemMB';Expression={[int](($_.VirtualMemorySize64)/1MB)}}, `
@{Name='PriMemMB';Expression={[int](($_.PrivateMemorySize64)/1MB)}}, `
@{Name='PagedMemMB';Expression={[int](($_.PagedMemorySize64)/1MB)}}, `

$Title=write "Last_Title_Stats: Time: $([datetime]::now) Version: $((get-host).Version.Major) SessionHours: $([int]([datetime]::now - (ps -id $psid).Starttime).totalhours) Memory: $($Memstats) GC_MB: $([int]([GC]::gettotalmemory(1)/1MB))"
while(1) {set-title;sleep -s 5}

$ST_Runspace = [PowerShell]::Create().AddScript($set_title)
$Begin_Set_Title = $ST_Runspace.BeginInvoke()

# To stop all of this...
# $ST_Runspace.runspace
# $Stop_Set_Title = $ST_Runspace.Stop()
# $Dispose_Set_Title = $ST_Runspace.Dispose()